La vie étant ce qu'elle est, j'ai appris très tôt à partager ma femme. Maintenant, j'aime la savoir dans les bras d'un autre homme ou d'un groupe d'étrangers fraîchement débarqué au pays. *Capote interdite.
Fill My Wife
Life being what it is, I had to learn very early to share my wife. Now I love knowing she's in the arms of another man or a group of strangers who have just arrived in the country. *Rubber not allowed.

My cheating wife, Lust Pet.
I want her to strip for me and beg for my cock
Send her to me at least you can male aome,money whoring the slut
I want to destroy this bitch. It needs a gaped cunt and an anal prolapse. It needs to be choked unconscious and toilet trained.
I'd love too
ask and you shall receive
Will you worship her after them?